Savage Secrets (Mafia Elite Book 4) by Amy McKinley – Review by Cindy Mayberry

Savage Secrets (Mafia Elite, #4)Savage Secrets by Amy McKinley
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Elena Caruso left home after she got news she was hunted by the Bratva. Her only choice was to follow what she had learned from her mother. She had been gone 4 years, when she received a text message stating The Bratva knows where she is. Before she can get out she is found and by not only the Bratva but by the one she has always loved. Not knowing Marco is coming to protect her, she fights him and runs for her life. Only after being shot does she slow down. But the danger is right behind her. Who can she trust? Why is she being hunted? Marco La Rosa must find Elena and get her to safety. She is not only in trouble, she is fighting him with all she has. Can Marco convince Elena to trust him? What is Marcos’ real plan?
This author again kept me glued to her book. Not only is it well written, it grabs you in the first sentence and you just can’t put it down. I love this series and the characters, Elena is one strong independent woman. The women of this Mafia are just as strong as the men. The fight is real for these characters. When all is read, you will find yourself wanting more. That is what makes this series so entertaining. I recommend you read this series in order, you won’t want to miss any of it. No Spoilers Here!

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