A Bride for Noah (Brides of Broken Arrow) by Cheryl Wright – Review by Shelly Kittell

A Bride for Noah (Brides of Broken Arrow #1)A Bride for Noah by Cheryl Wright
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Noah is looking for a bride to fulfill a clause in his father’s will. He has to marry her in 3 weeks in order to get the land he was gifted from his father earlier before he died. Mary’s basically starving on her father’s ranch. He promises her to a lecherous coot. A family friend of Noah’s tells her about his problem and how she can help fix it. Mary and Noah decide to take a chance and make a wedding contract. Can this develop into love? These two have a lot to work out and work on. They can do. This book was a delightful wholesome treat. The characters are relatable. You can see little parts of yourself in them. They are working on issues most people have. It’s a quick weekend read. The plot is smooth as silk. I’m looking forward to reading more in this series. I definitely recommend it.

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