Nite Fire: Chain Reaction by C. L. Schneider – Review by Santana Hicks

Chain Reaction (Nite Fire #2)Chain Reaction by C.L. Schneider
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is the second book of the Nite Fire series. I find it was much more intense and action packed than the first book. Which I loved!

We once again follow the adventures of Dahlia Nite who is a half human half dragon who has the power of empathy. Still taking it upon herself to try to save humanity from the secrets of other species. This time things seem to be spiralling too far and too fast for her to keep up. Humans are suddenly transforming into grotesque creatures and combusting.

Dahlia with the help of a few human police officers are trying to solve this case all while she is trying to cover it up. The bodies are piling up with no hint as to why or how. The humans are starting to ask too many questions causing more stress on Dahlia than ever.

After reading a few of the authors’ books, I think it is safe to say that they are now one of my favourite recent authors! I cannot wait to read the 3rd book in the series!

View all my reviews

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