The Hunted (Vampire Navy SEAL: Sam & Layla) by S.B. Alexander – Review by Carlie Del Gallo

The Hunted (Vampire Navy SEAL: Sam & Layla, #1)The Hunted by S.B. Alexander
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is the first book by this author and the first book in the series and I am hooked! The book surrounds Layla and her sisters and they are Vampire hunters who are from a long line of hunters. They have a bounty for Sam who is worth a lot of money and very valuable. When Layla and Sam first meet the chemistry is off the charts and sizzling. Their story was filled with many ups and downs and had my attention glued to the pages. I cannot wait until the next two books are released so that I may read and see what the future holds for Sam and Layla and the multitude of many other wonderful characters in this series.

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