Tickety Tock (Wicked Warriors MC Arizona Chapter) by Manda Mellett – Review by Lorralei Hoerner

Tickety Tock: Wicked Warriors MC Arizona ChapterTickety Tock: Wicked Warriors MC Arizona Chapter by Manda Mellett
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I never hesitate to pick up a book from this author…and this book is no exception but yet I am surprised at the same time. When we meet Dwarf, whom is part of the Wicked Warriors MC Arizona Chapter, he is different…..as in not as tall has his brothers in the club, but yet lacks self confidence. He has been burned in the past…and this totally melts my heart. On a chance encounter, he runs into Raven…a women who is truly tormented by her past. Dwarf’s bike is in ruins after a crash and he also tries to help Raven with what she is running from…a cabin….what can she be running from…. Raven’s story really took a hold of me as it was just heartbreaking and scary at the same time. As the story unfolds, it really grabs you as you peel back the layers of a chance encounter and yet with a paranormal feel, which I loved!! This book is a bit different from this author…but it was phenomenal!

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