Burned by Fire (Firehouse 13 Book 4) by Danielle Jacks – Review by Beverly Finnie

Burned by Fire (Firehouse 13, #4)Burned by Fire by Danielle Jacks
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

When one accident happens and you lose everything. That’s what’s going on when we enter the firehouse 13 world in Burned By Fire. A story about finding oneself and learning to accept the love given to you.
Solomon saved 2 children from a fire, but he paid the ultimate price. His career is gone. Forced in early retirement by the fire department due to extensive injuries he’s become a lost soul.
Ember’s hero was hurt and he’s spiraling faster than anyone can help him. She still pushes and tries though. She also uses that time to be honest with him.
This book is a wonderful story of redemption. Though Solomon feels his life is over. The author has him go through the trials and tribulations dealing with life after tragedy. I’ve seen people with injuries and mental health struggle. So this story hits home for me. I’ve also seen those people take a lot longer to move forward. Which is why this is a fictional romance, but a beautiful one at that!


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