Castor’s Kiss (Soul Bonded in the Stars Book 2) by Tai James – Review by Naomi McDonald

Castor's Kiss (Soul Bonded in the Stars # 2)Castor’s Kiss by Tai James
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I haven’t read much sci-fi romance lately, so I thought I’d give this book a try. I enjoyed the toughness of Mia’s character. Totally related to her disdain when she saw the dress she had to wear near the beginning of the story. Also, hard relate to the trust issues.

One thing I liked was that even though Mia is tough, she still cares about other people enough to try to save them – as is shown in the beginning with De’ara.

I had little bit of a harder time connecting with Castor’s character, but he grew on me.

Favorite character interaction (because, you know, love isn’t perfect):
“So, you admit this isn’t going to be all flowers and roses.”
“I have no doubt that we’ll have many fights. I hope that at the end of each one, you yell, ‘I love you,’ into my face and not run away.”

Overall, a good read with some intense moments to keep you turning the page.

View all my reviews

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