Ye Gods! The Law is an Ass! (Donovan Trait Book 2) by Seelie Kay – Review by Carrie Reed

Ye Gods! The Law is an Ass! (Donovan Trait Book 2)Ye Gods! The Law is an Ass! by Seelie Kay
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5 stars!

Epic! What a great second book to the Donovan Trait series. I am in love with this unknown island with nuns that have the power to shield everyone from their location and information. Sounds like a good solid place to be. I am so happy that Shirley was safe and the babies were safe upon delivery, it is sad to think the vampire coalition lied to all vampires for centuries. Donovan’s family is amazing, rallying around him and Shirley to sand up against the coalition and let them know they are in the wrong. The ending left me dying for more! I can not wait until book three. I also hope to see if anything comes of the matron from the first book that tried to kill Shirley and Donovan. I am so obsessed with this series right now!

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