Love in the Roses (Love Through the Ages Book 1) by TL Clark – Review by Beverly Finnie

Love in the RosesLove in the Roses by T.L. Clark
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I’m not sure how I felt about this story. I enjoy period pieces while watching movies, so I figured I would give a book a try. Love in the Roses was a sweet romance. One that you can tell by reading that the author put a lot of thought and research into. Getting the language and the dialect of the time, to setting a premise taking the reader back to that time. As if they were living during that time.
Isabel, is now of age to be married off. Her family is well off but in those times it was about strengthening your place in society. Picking the right husband and family is the best way to complete that task.
Sir William, a knight, who has been given that right to prove himself worthy. Not only to himself and his new betrothed but to family as well. Raised to become a night since he was 7, he knows what it takes to defend one’s honor and country. But does he know how to love and run a home?
This story is about their adventure together learning and growing together and showing the community who they are. It’s a well written period piece and though this particular one wasn’t my thing it’s definitely worth the read. Especially if you enjoy period pieces.


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