Something About Aimee (Girls from the Street Book 1) by S.E. Smith – Review by Codi Parham

Something About Aimee (Girls from the Street Book 1)Something About Aimee by S.E. Smith
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Move over, Fairy Tale Princess! Here comes Wheels! Sultry, Smart, Suave, Sly, and Sexy. I cannot wait to see what the other Girls from the Street get into. This made me crave a life in the city, zooming through the streets on a board of my own. I instantly fell in love with the characters and wanted to know them more. You will not be disappointed.

Something About Aimee, Girls from the Street Series, S.E. Smith, Review, Itsy Bitsy Book Bits, Romantic Suspense, Romance, Suspense

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