Tale of a Body Thief (Rovena Silvex Book 1) by Kristy Centeno – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

Tale of a Body Thief (Rovena Silvex chronicles Book 1)Tale of a Body Thief by Kristy Centeno
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Rovena Silvex is a demon hunter, but she is no ordinary demon hunter, she has a special set of skills which make her one of, if not the best one, she has killed dozens of demons since she completed her training and she has it down to a fine art, however, sometimes, she is asked to perform other assignments which don’t involve hunting, but they do involve certain aspects of her skill set that are unique to her and tonight is one of those nights, tonight she has to visit the county morgue.

When she is sent to the morgue this time, it is so that she can work out how a victim died and who killed them, however, when she gets there, nothing goes to plan, she finds out the how, but not the who and when she next turns to look at the corpse, its eyes are open and it is holding onto her hand. What happens next is not something she can even process when the corpse attacks her and as she is fighting back, she hears footsteps coming down the hall and she now knows that she has to take the walking corpse with her when she leaves, but it isn’t as willing as she would hope.

With her walking corpse in tow, Rovena heads to the only place where she may get some answers, however, as she spends more time with the deceased, things stop adding up and she realises that it isn’t the victims soul in this body, it is something else entirely and that it is something she has never come across before. Now Rovena has a plan, it isn’t one that she wants to have, she has to babysit this walking corpse and keep them alive, or at least as alive as she can, but when demons come after them, she realises that keeping a demon alive is much harder than killing them! This is a fantasy adventure filled with magic, the supernatural and adventure galore, as a choice has to be made between keeping heaven and hell happy and trapping a demon in a world where they definitely don’t belong.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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