Undeniable (Central Florida Stories Book 2) by Victoria Saccenti – Review by Karyn Taylor

Undeniable (Central Florida Stories, #2)Undeniable by Victoria Saccenti
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is the 2nd book in this great BDSM series. This was the book that has caught my eye but seeing that it was the second book in the series I decided to read the series in order. Each book can be read as a standalone but I chose to read I order as the main couple from book 1 appear in this book and the hero from this book Kurt appears in book one.
I loved book one and as soon as I was finished I jumped straight into this book. Having met Kurt in book 1, I was really intrigued to read his story. Maybe it wasn’t mentioned in the first book, or maybe I missed it but I assumed Kurt was much older when reading book one.
Kurt is a really amazing character to read about, I thoroughly enjoyed reading his story and see him get the HEA he truly deserved with Arely.
Arely had crushed on Kurt as a teenager and unknown to her the feeling was entirely mutual. When they meet 12 years later so much has changed. I loved reading their story. A expected with a BDSM story, the sex scenes are hot and steamy but this book is about so much more than the sex scenes.
A fantastic read. Definitely recommend.

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