Ashes (Modern-Day Fairy Tale Book 1) by MK Harkins – Review by m Policicchio

Ashes (Modern-Day Fairy Tale, #1)Ashes by M.K. Harkins
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

When I read the blurb about this story, I was kinda interested and thought I would take a chance on something a little different for me. Well, call me hooked. The story is fabulous. I love the way the threads of the classic are woven into the modern. It is not a simple retelling, it is more of reinvention of the fairytale genre.

Ashley Jones is still lost in the grief of her father’s recent death when her step-mother moves her to Washington State for an investment opportunity. Ash starts working for the family funeral home. This makes high school super fun (note the sarcasm). Ash is isolated until Laura moves to town.

Harry James is a pop star. Harry and his best friend accidentally burned down their high school chem lab. As part of Harry’s probation, he must attend and graduate from a normal high school. Guess whose school he attends. From the moment Harry first meets Ash, he knows she is different. She doesn’t care about his superstar status. He can be himself, the real him, with her. As their friendship develops, obstacles and people try to prevent them from being together. It looks like disaster for Ash and Harry.

Like the magic in this modern reinvention, any reader will be put under the spell of this author and her fantastically woven tapestry. Awesome series!!

View all my reviews

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