Notebook Mysteries ~ Haunted Christmas by Kimberly Mullins – Review by Emily Nolden

Notebook Mysteries Haunted ChristmasNotebook Mysteries Haunted Christmas by Kimberly Mullins
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

A great quick read, with a happy ending.
I am not one for mysteries but reading Haunted Christmas by Kimberly Mullins makes me want to continue reading mysteries. This was a very quick read, but I loved every minute of it. Seeing the different relationships between each character was a great addition to the story.

I loved the strong female lead, who did not need any help. How she defended herself in every situation, especially towards the end.

Being a large romance person, I would have loved to see her and Jeremy’s relationship more, but hopefully that is shown in the other books of this series.

Another favorite part of this book, is how each person or situation is given background information. So, even if you missed other books of this series, you still get to know parts of information from those previous books.

I also would love to keep reading about Emma’s past. Her past is explained a little in this book, but does not go into great detail.

I cannot wait to try the recipes at the end of the book, especially since it is apple season where I live.

Thank you Kimberly Mullins for a great read, I cannot wait to read more!

View all my reviews

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