Ice Dance by Vik Azeem – Review by Kerry Carr

Ice DanceIce Dance by Vik Azeem
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I really enjoyed this fantasy adventure. The author does an amazing job with the character and how they mix fantasy with modern day makes this a story that is magical. I also loved the way the author uses the culture that Hassan is born into in a way that makes it easier for a reader to understand why he is struggling with the choice of doing a job that is high paid or doing something he loves that allows him to be the creative person he is.
I also love the connection and attraction between Hassan and Yasmine.
I love that Yasmine encourages Hassan to be anything he chooses and when she opens up her world to him that’s when he really comes alive.
However this story isn’t all sweetness and magic. There is a danger that surrounds Yasmine and when Hassan goes to a ‘job interview’ and meets Victor that danger becomes more obvious and very real.
As New Years Eve approaches Yasmine introduces Hassan to a world he never believed existed and turns his life from a boring daily struggle to one of excitement, danger and magical beings that only live in books and nightmares.
Will they be able to escape the people trying to get Yasmine? More importantly will Hassan be able to survive the night?

It was an amazing adventure, there were twists in the story I didn’t see coming and it kept me glued to see what the author would come up with next. It was a very captivating read that I couldn’t put down.

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