Unveiling Beulah Audiobook by Dana Wayne – Review by Cindy Mayberry

Bea Lockhart is not only a strong woman. She has endured so much in her life. The Scar on her face did not help much. Even her father considered her damaged goods. After running her fathers shop, she just got tired of being put down. So she left and moved to a small town in Texas. Lucian Moreau is set into an arranged marriage by his grandfather. With all the money he ever earned, discovered his bride was only out for his money. Well he wants more, so he packs up and moves to Texas. These two lonely hearts need to find love and family. Will this happen for them? Or will they stay hidden? The author wrote this amazing story. It is fast paced and grabs you in the first chapter. I love Bea and Lucian! The struggles that have rained upon them are some we ourselves face as well. That is what made this book so easy to listen to. I hope you enjoy this story as much as I did.



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