After She Became a Lady by Wareeze Woodson – Review by Jenni Bishop

After She Became a LadyAfter She Became a Lady by Wareeze Woodson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

3.5 stars

After She Became a Lady is an historical romance story. Wareeze stories are told in the distinctive style of descriptive language for the period, which makes the story flow slowly whilst trying to get the hang of it. The writing is very descriptive, and perhaps too much so at times often leaving me wondering the point of its intent. There are lots of loose ends and unanswered questions and it seemed that others were just glossed over leaving the reader to guess what may have happened.

This poor young woman recently married is thrust into a life of loneliness as her husband is called off to war not long after. It is the events she endures whilst he is away that leave her in a place where terrifying events are taking place, wondering what is hidden in the shadows, distrust, hostility and more. Laurel was a contradiction whilst she was strong in some ways she wasn’t in others. I would have liked to have seen her have a voicing her opinions rather letting things go to keep the peace.

What happens when her husband returns from war? Will he be the same? Will he believe the lives of others? Will they uncover the truth? Will she be cast aside and made to be the unstable one? Can she make him see just who his twin really is?

Reviewed by @jennadb

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