Finding Bryce (Green Brotherhood: SEAL Team XII Book 1) by Debra Parmley – Review by Beverly Finnie

Finding Bryce (Green Brotherhood: SEAL Team XII Book 1)Finding Bryce by Debra Parmley
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Finding Bryce was not your normal military romance. I enjoyed it despite feeling it was a little rushed. The author still put a good story on the page. With a slightly dark theme of an abusive spouse, this book has a little of everything. Dark, fun, playful, and serious.
Pippa ran away from an abusive ex-husband to start her life over. Navigating life in fear is not what she envisioned for herself. However her ex could find her at any time.
Diesel is a Navy Seal who is currently stateside waiting to be called for his next mission. Him and his team decide to go to a Halloween masquerade, which is perfect anonymity being he just broke up with someone. He never imagined that this party would lead to the girl of his dreams.
Convinced by her new friend/co-worker Pippa decides this party would be the best way to have fun. No one could see her face so it’s the perfect disguise. It’s been a while so she just lays low and scans the room, till a Gladiator walks in she’s drawn too.
Does she go after him? Of course, but she never gives him her name nor takes his.
Will they ever come in contact again?
Does Pippa’ s ex-husband find her?
How well does Pippa deal with the unexpected?
I don’t feel Pippa had much character growth from beginning till end, maybe if it went longer who knows. Diesel did have some character development, that was nice to see.
Who’s Bryce you may ask? I was wondering the same thing at the beginning. You are just going to have to read to find out.


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