Degrees of Innocence: Dark Mafia Romance (Cruel Deceptions Book 1) By Via Mari – Review by Ashley Lape

Degrees of Innocence (Prestian Series, #1)Degrees of Innocence by Via Mari
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Katarina is too focused on her career and has no time for a romantic life, even one that ignites her darkest desires. With a dreamy romantic location for her next work retreat, she might find herself not in control of her own destiny. Katarina is faced with saving a man’s life and a hot man who steps in to help her. Chase walks into the bar to hear the commotion of someone giving a man CPR. He goes to offer his help when he finds an attractive woman who is performing CPR. Chase and Katarina become pretty inseparable but Chase happens to be the CEO of the big company that will be working with Katarina on the new project. Katarina has no clue how much her falling in love with Chase will really change her life.
This is the first book I have read by this author but it won’t be the last book. I can’t wait to continue reading this series.

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Reviewed by @alape

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