Revenge Never Rests (Tallie Brown Suspense Book 2) by Laurie Lewis – Review by Kerry Carr

Revenge Never RestsRevenge Never Rests by Laurie L.C. Lewis
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is the follow up story to Secrets Never Die. I definately recommend reading that book first as this book picks up straight from where that one ends.
This story is such a gripping rollercoaster of a read full of even more secrets and lies than the first book. The author does an amazing job with this story making it a gripping read right from the beginning.

Tallie is back and struggling to come to terms with everything that has happened to her. Not only is she dealing with the grief of losing her mother (or so she thought) she also has to deal with the lies and deception that surrounded her life and took her away from her real family. When Tallie’s real father goes missing she is asked to use the skills she learnt to help find him.

As the story progresses we learn more about Tallie’s past and her relationship with the woman she thought was her mother. Now Tallie is on her own and surrounded by people who she doesn’t know if she can trust or not and I have to admit my opinions on those people changed several times and I was in for a few surprises.

This is a great mystery Suspense story that will keep you hooked from the first page to the last. The twists and turns are so good you don’t see it coming until it happens which is an amazing thing in a book.

Definately read the first book and then prepare to have your mind blown when you dive into this one to continue Tallie’s story.

View all my reviews

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