The Husbands by Naomi Valkyrie – Review by Kerry Carr

The HusbandsThe Husbands by Naomi Valkyrie
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This was a really enjoyable mm romance. This is by far one of my favourite authors and I love everything I read by her and this one was just as good. She has the ability to transport the reader into the world she has created and the time just disappears as you read. The books are definately page turners. I wasn’t sure what to expect from this book but i was not disappointed. I love the danger of Doran’s job, and the impact it has, I loved the chemistry between Doran and Augustine and their fight against what they are feeling to protect their wives showed so much love for their partners that they deny themselves the love they feel between them.

This is definately a story that will grip you and the outcome even though it may not be seen as right to some people was definately right for this story. It was a beautiful story about fighting for what you want in life and being who you want to be with the people you want to be with.

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