The Mastermind : A Brother’s Best Friend Romance (WaterFyre Rising Book 1) by Nadia Han – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

The Mastermind (WaterFyre Rising, #1)The Mastermind by Nadia Han
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Remington Starke is a man with a vision, he gets whatever he wants, be it in his business, or private life and he looks at life through a very black and white lens. He is not a fan of emotions and has tried his best over the years to avoid relationships and anything which could jeopardise the empire which he has built, but his latest acquisition is something else entirely. Audri Wu is a woman with a creative mind and this stands her in good stead with both her job and her hobby, she is always full of sunshine and makes those around her happy as well, but she has always had a soft spot for a certain friend of her brothers, but has kept it to herself, knowing that they are something she can never have.

Audri and Remington know each other as friends, but when he appears in her work environment as well, she has no idea what to do and neither does he, but his magnetism attracts Audri no matter how had she tries to deny it, but has no idea if he feels the same way. Remington has always had a spark of attraction to Audri, but felt she was off limits being his best friends sister, but the more he gets to know her, the more he feels the attraction is right.

Not everyone sees it that way and soon, his dark past re-emerges into the light and starts to threaten those around him, meanwhile Audri is having troubles of her own which are dredging up her past and causing the stress to build, but can the two friends overcome their barriers and their pasts to spark a fire which could burn everything down? This is a romantic suspense with twists and turns as secrets and truths are revealed and the past becomes entangled with the present, but will the future be full of darkness or light? The only way to find out is to read the first instalment in this series and immerse yourself into the fire within.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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