Operation Blackbird (Brass Compass Series Book 2) by Ellen Butler

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Operation Blackbird (Brass Compass Series Book 2) by Ellen Butler
Genre – Historical Adventures 
Page Count – 300

A companion to the internationally bestselling novel, The Brass Compass, Operation Blackbird takes the reader on a spy adventure from South America to Europe during a time when the yoke of Communism is tightening the reins on an unwilling people.


October, 1952. The war is over, but for CIA officer Miriam Becker, memories of the horrors she witnessed remain jagged in her mind. While vacationing in Argentina, recovering from a mission that nearly killed her, she’s seeing more ghosts from the past than the sights. 

When a longtime family friend and fellow operative, Jake Devlin, tracks her down, Miriam is forced to push everything to the back of her mind for the next mission: help a highly prized and heavily guarded rocket scientist defect from Russian-controlled East Berlin—right out from under the KGB’s nose. 

Well aware that one wrong move could spark World War III, Miriam, Jake, and the team plan their strategy to the last detail. But when a betrayal brings everything crashing down, Jake’s quick thinking creates the diversion to get Miriam out alive—but leaves him trapped behind the Iron Curtain. 

Unsure of whom she can trust, Miriam must complete the mission by relying on contacts outside of the agency, even though her heart longs to return to East Berlin to rescue the man who is the last link to her to her troubled past … before the KGB gets to him first.


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Ellen Butler is the internationally bestselling author of historical spy novel, The Brass Compass. The Brass Compass has won multiple awards for historical fiction including the Indie Reader Discovery Award, and a Readers’ Favorite Award. Her fascination for historical spy fiction stemmed from her grandfather’s role as a cryptographer during WWII. Butler is also the author of the bestselling Karina Cardinal mystery series. When she’s not writing, Butler enjoys spending time with her family, traveling, and home decorating.

Author Interview with Ellen Butler



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