The Liminal Space (Antipodes Series Book 2) by T.S. Simons – Review by Jaimie Salmon-Colburn

The Liminal Space (Antipodes, #2)The Liminal Space by T.S. Simons
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book had me in tears!!! Seriously!! The Author builds the world and characters so well that you are so attached to it all! The characters are so diverse and relatable that you can’t help but fall in love with so many of them. And maybe even dislike a few too! When anything happens you are on the edge of your seat, reading as fast as you can to find out what will happen next! I did this a few times and stayed up way to late to find out! This is only book two in the set and I have to say that I am hooked and can’t wait to read the rest! Cam is happy with his new life on Lewis with his new wife (Read book one for more info on all that craziness!!). Anyways, he has become a welcomed productive member of this new community and he feels at home. Not at all like how he was treated in his last community. Settling into Lewis has been much easier and he treasures that and the people so much. As he is getting into that new life, Cam is burdened with some news. Someone he loves from “before” may still be alive! What do you do when it’s the end of the world and you find out someone you love might be out there somewhere? Torn between leaving his wife and making yet another torturous journey into the rings or staying and letting the past be the past, he must make a choice. Traveling yet again in the gray unknown world has him embarking on a path that will forever change his life. Again! How much more can one man deal with?! Virus that kills the whole world and now all this! Who knew the end of the world would be so challenging! Don’t say ” what else can happen?” because even more does!!!! Pick up this book NOW and get reading!! You won’t be disappointed with this set!! So far it is SSSSOOOO good!!! Look for my other reviews on the other books in the set because I AM going to be reading them ALL!!!!

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