Just One Time (Beaumont Creek Book 1) by Samantha Baca – Review by Christine Baranek

Just One Time (Beaumont Creek, #1)Just One Time by Samantha Baca
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Just One Time
By: Samantha Baca

Abby turned 40. And as most females know the older you get the louder that biological clock ticks. And this is where this story really starts. Abby’s clock is ticking so loudly and all she wants is to have a baby. She’s done waiting for Mr. Right. She can do this on her own, can’t she? When her best friend finds out, Nate insists that he help. However he has only one rule. That they do this the old fashioned way. That really wont complicate their friendship, right? It only takes one time. But will once be enough? Or will the each want more?
This book was amazing!!! Abby and Nate were amazing characters and I really think that this was a really relatable story. I think that most women have a guy friend that they think would make an amazing father. But what would happen if they make that friend the father of their child? This really looks at this question in depth. I also think it was written so realistically. How they didn’t answer all the questions that they should have and how their decisions are affecting their friendship. I truly loved this story!

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