The Man in Black by L.R. Liverpool – Review by Barbara Bohls

The Man In BlackThe Man In Black by L.R. Liverpool
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book is completely not in my wheel house at all. I first don’t normally read historical romance or western. That said, this book was amazing. It is a long book but I loved it because it doesn’t feel long while you are reading it. It is a quick read for its length so don’t let that distract your from reading it. The way this book is written is what sells me so much on it. It takes turns that you don’t see coming and has you on the edge of your seat the further you get into the story line. The intrigue that you enter when Simon starts to figure out his sexuality in a time period that it was not common and banned, brings you understanding of what it might have been like during that time. The way things unfold in this book kept my interest the whole way through. The self discovery, the feeling of being bored and complacent, and the will to do something dangerous is what had me hooked, line, and sinker. I am not one to really read westerns or even watch one but this one appealed to me because of the darker nature that was described in the book synopsis. The mystery in the book is there and it is a slow build. I feel like the first few chapters are a little slow but it completely picks up and you find yourself lost int he land of outlaws. The murder mystery will have you guessing every character that is in the story and there are a lot of them. It seems like it could be anyone and the mystery man in black that haunts Simon’s dreams……complete plot twist because it not only gets you thinking in one direction while dropping seeds of doubt in other directions. I found myself not knowing what I thought I knew. This made the book so much, much more than just a story to read. It almost felt as if I was going into this time period and living it right along with the characters. If you have a weekend that you need a break consider this book!! You wont disappointed and don’t let the length scare you off because after the first few chapters, the pages will just continue to turn without you realizing that you are turning them.
Reviewed by: @bbohls

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