Healing Kiss by Amanda Uhl – Review by Angela Hayes

Healing KissHealing Kiss by Amanda Uhl
My rating: 4 of 5 stars


4 Stars


“ Lillian Milano clutched her younger sister’s clammy hand between her palms. Hannah was only twenty-two. Too young to die. Lillian fought the panic pushing into her lungs, pressing on her chest like a weighted blanket. She dropped her head on the hospital bed rail. Deep breaths. Keep calm. Not the time to hyperventilate. Not the time to feel faint. Not the time for strong emotion. Strong emotion only weakened her healing ability. And without her life-saving gift, Hannah wouldn’t survive the night. ”

Healing Kiss is a wonderful paranormal romance from Amanda Uhl. This is the first book that I have read by Ms. Uhl- so I really didn’t know what I could expect from one of her stories. But I love a great paranormal romance and the premise of this promised an original and captivating story- so I took a chance and dove right in. I am happy to say that I don’t regret my decision at all, as this proved to be just as engrossing as I had hoped.
Lillian has been through quite a lot in the past few years. She had to flee her hometown not only for her safety, but that of her family as well. But when her sister suddenly falls deathly ill after a hiking trip with friends, Lillian’s secret just might be Hannah’s only chance of surviving. So, with her sister’s life on the line, Lillian heads back to the danger zone, determined to heal her sister, and hopefully avoid running into trouble while she’s there. But things get complicated when she meets Tristan, whose mother is also battling debilitating illness. And Lillian soon discovers that she really needs his help, in a very unconventional way. He may not realise it, but he holds the key to Lillian being able to heal her sister and keep her from death’s door. But he’ll also need something form Lillian, and so a bargain is struck. Will she be able to heal her sister, and keep out of danger? What is the danger she has been running from and why do they want Lillian so badly? What happens when the chemistry between Tristan and her starts to ignite? What happens when secrets are revealed? And what does fate have in store for them? Well, I don’t want to give away any spoilers, so you really should read all the intriguing developments for yourself to discover how everything plays out in the end.
This is an original paranormal romance with supernatural elements, secrets, danger, fear, ex dramas, mystery, agendas, emotion, suspense, tension, love, loss, hope, family, trust issues, opposites attract, and finding love unexpectedly.
I really enjoyed this charming story and look forward to exploring more of Ms. Uhl’s work in the very near future.
Happy Reading…

Thank you, Amanda Uhl!


Reviewed by @angelahayes

View all my reviews

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