I’ll Love You Tomorrow (Trading Heartbeats Trilogy Book 3) by Julie Navickas – Review by M Policicchio

I'll Love You Tomorrow (The Trading Heartbeats Trilogy, Book #3)I’ll Love You Tomorrow by Julie Navickas
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I can’t believe the author did this to me. There were so many ways to make Mitch realize that he loves Lauren and things needed to change. He didn’t need to do that. Nope. Not at all. I can’t express how angry I was at Mitch and Lauren for most of this book. How could he? How could she think going for drinks was okay?

Lauren and Mitch face the end of their marriage. Lauren has been in love with Mitch since she was six. He has always been there. He was her brothers’ best friend. He was her best friend. He was her everything. There seems so much built up between them that they have never discussed, never even said out loud. Was the wall between Mitch and Lauren too great to climb? Did they even want to put in the effort?

With a surprise trip to Las Vegas, where they eloped, surrounded by happy memories, Mitch and Lauren agree to rededicate themselves to their marriage. But will things change when they get home? Will it matter that one of the biggest obstacles between them just went up in flames? How will old problems making mistakes affect everything?

I know that when Mitch and Lauren discuss losing themselves in each other and forgetting who they were, I almost cried. If you have ever been in a long term relationship, this is a problem you face. It was tough to read. Even with the completely sappy ending, read this series. Find the time in your day. Add it to your TBR list. Make this family part of yours. Beautiful!!

View all my reviews

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