Messenger (Star-Crossed Celestials Book 2) by A.L. Morrow – Review by Paloma Fierro 16/04/2023

The world as you know it does not longer exist. The war between angels and demons has involved the human kind and the results are horrific.


Cyrus and Jace, the first a messenger from the skies has fallen in love with the second a exile from the celestial community after breaking the laws has a watcher. 


In the battle field of Sin City the different types of angels and demons make the life of the place a living hell, the lack of order and discrimination against each other had made the lovers torn apart. Forces of each legion will ensure the chaos prevails so the goals are reached. 


Cyrus will seek to find Jace against all judgment, and Jace will try to understand the new role that the consequences of his actions now bring him.

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