Small Fry by Stephenie Wilson Peterson – Review by Jenni Bishop

Small FrySmall Fry by Stephenie Wilson Peterson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Small Fry is a children’s book was inspired by Stephenie’s son and the passion and love shine through in the narrative. Part of the story is uniquely told by Silas and his Grandfather by email.
Silas has a growth hormone deficiency and is smaller than other kids. He soon finds himself on the radar of the bullies when he starts 6th grade middle school because of his size. Don’t they say good things come in small packages?
The story takes us on a journey of what life is like for Silas and how he navigates all that is thrown at him.
Silas captured my heart from the beginning all the way to the end. Chad and his bullying ways not so much.
All in all it is a fun read full of friends and pandemonium.

Reviewed by @jennadb

View all my reviews

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