The Crown of Stones: Magic-Price by C. L. Schneider – Review by Rebeca Elliott Figueiras

Magic-Price (The Crown of Stones #1)Magic-Price by C.L. Schneider
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is the first book in this fantasy trilogy.
I was drawn to the book by the cover and then upon reading the blurb, decided that this was the book for me. It seemed like something I’d really enjoy, and I wasn’t wrong.
The story itself, although similar in many ways to other fantasy novels I’ve read, it has so many unique elements as well that it doesn’t feel like the same rehashed story. For example, the way magic works is interesting, there’s more to it than just using magic has a heavy price.
The book is written well, from the fight scenes to the more intimate ones, it flows well and there’s never a lull. For a book that’s so long it can hold your attention throughout.
The characters were well written, each having distinct personalities and agendas.
While I usually loved flawed characters, it took me a while to warm to Ian Troy. I enjoy the fact that he’s not perfect and can understand why he is the way he is (his attitude) there were moments I got very frustrated with his actions, and it tested my love for him.
I thoroughly enjoyed the story behind his issues with magic and his anti-hero typing, he is certainly an interesting main character.
Jarryd on the other hand had my heart almost instantly – how can you not love the dependable Jarryd?!

Another aspect of the book I really enjoyed was there didn’t appear to be a ‘side’ that was 100% good. The two opposing sides at war both have their own agendas and it didn’t seem to be a straight forward good vs. evil which it normally is. This made the politics and world building seem more real to me.

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