Afflicted Love (Rhythm & Heart Series) by Autumn Sand – Review by Lorralei Hoerner

Afflicted LoveAfflicted Love by Autumn Sand
My rating: 5 of 5 stars


Where do I even begin……this story…my emotions are all over the place and I am trying to keep them in check. I am totally in love with this book but the gut punch of just raw, pure emotions really has me wanting more. This is my first book by this author and wow………I am just amazed.

This MM Romance is dark, and you are on a complete journey with Lyle and Kyle. They both grew up poor and in dire straits with their families that involved abuse and neglect. Their vow is to be there for each other like “brothers”, Kyle always protecting Lyle at all costs..the trauma and emotional roller coaster they go through until they are separated by despair and lies. When Lyle and Kyle reconnect….their love for each other never wavered….more so than just being brothers in their eyes. What happens when jealousy, lies and the need to pretend start to crack between Lyle and Kyle?

This story really has me on edge, just thinking about both Kyle and Lyle….my heart is just breaking……if you like dark MM Romance this story is definitely for you, but be warned there are triggers that may not be for everyone. I am looking forward to book 2 already! The author left me wanting more!!

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