A Match Made in Montana (The Millers of Marietta Book 2) by Elsa Winckler – Review by Torey Foster

A Match Made in Montana (The Millers of Marietta, #2)A Match Made in Montana by Elsa Winckler
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Craig and Annie, two different people, with completely different lifestyles on different paths, but they have one thing in common, neither of them ever want to get married. This is a story of what happens when those two paths merge. What happens when opposites attract?
Annie wants to start anew and opens a bed and breakfast in a new town, but how will she get the customers to keep them afloat. Craig is all business, all the time, and he knows the ins and outs of marketing. When he comes to Marietta for a wedding, these two paths merge as they lean on each other for more than just business. Was it fate? Will these two different people fit together? Will they have a change of heart when it comes to marriage? Read it and find out.
This was a very enjoyable book. It is one that you just fall into and feel like you are a part of it all. Like the characters are your friends and you are with them through it all. I definitely recommend this book. The only reason I only gave 4 stars is because I am very stingy with 5 stars and save them for very few books that are all time favorites.

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