Bound by the Hinterlands by Bree M. Lewandowski – Review by Gabrielle

Bound by the HinterlandsBound by the Hinterlands by Bree M. Lewandowski
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This is an interesting story full of the paranormal and romance. Cressida has had a hard life. Her mother has passed and her father is controlling and abusive. Now he makes her life even harder by marrying Cressida off to a stranger, a baron from another land. Cressida takes this in stride and does her duty. Yet soon she finds that this new world and its people have stolen her heart but all is not as it should be. As Cressida and Caravahl try to find their way an evil is trying to take what it wants. It was nice to be along for their adventure but I did not fall in love with the characters. For me there was more telling than showing in their story and I did not get lost in this world but there is a good amount of character development and the plot does move at a good pace. It was nice to see Cressida and Caravahl learn to fight for what is truly important. We see their strength and what it can achieve if given the chance.

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