Ashes of Aldyr (The Obscured Throne Trilogy Book 1) by Russell Archey – Review by Alexandra Leith

Ashes of Aldyr (The Obscured Thorne Trilogy Book 1)Ashes of Aldyr by Russell Archey
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

A perfect book for Halloween! This book is a dark fantasy so be prepared to get some chills.

Ahes of Aldyr takes place in a land called Alda which has been destroyed by a sinister cult and the beings they worship. This cults mission was to break through 55 seals to release the creatures and God like beings of the Obscure Throne who quiet literally bring hell on earth. People are being taken and forgotten, creatures wreak havoc on the ones still there, strange plants and smells are taking over cities and the remaining surviors are just doing what they can to survive.

I absolutely loved this book because it is like nothing I’ve ever read before. Each chapter is a different story told from a different point of view and even time. At the beginning it doesn’t seem to make sense but once you let go of the traditional way of story telling you start to see the bigger picture of this book and what the author did. Usually when you read a book its only from one or maybe a few points of view. Which can be very limiting especially in a dystopian story. However Archey told this story from everyone’s point of view. From the cult members, the low and the high society members, the innocent and the guilty, and the different beings that make up Alda. This book gives the reader the imagery of an entire world that has fallen and how it came to be that way. The world-building that came from Archey’s mind is brilliant and genius. With each chapter we see the same world but from others eyes and it created something beautifully horrific. This book is truly a one of a kind and I cannot wait to read the rest of this trilogy.

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