Talks Like Thunder (Red With Native Blood Book 1) by Randal Nerhus & Marjorie Carter – Review by Tausha Treadway

Talks Like Thunder (Red With Native Blood: Novella One)Talks Like Thunder by Randal Nerhus
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Talks Like Thunder (Red With Native Blood Book 1) by Randal Nerhus & Marjorie Carter. This was such an amazing read. I enjoyed it and learned so much from it. Its the story of young Desert Flower whose parents have died from Small Pox so her grandfather kidnaps her and takes her back to his tribe. He renames her Talks Like Thunder and taking place in the 1800’s life was not easy for her or any of the Indians. She loved thru wars, boarding schools, famine and so much more. This all turns her into the strong, independent warrior that she is. When she is held captive by US soldiers she vows on everything she is to take revenge on each and everyone of them. Talks Like Thunder is such a strong young woman and I rooted, cried and cheered for her all the way thru this emotional, powerful story!

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