The Wandering Isles: A Crown of Stones Novella (Soulbound Journeys Book 1) by C. L. Schneider – Review by Amber Howard

The Wandering Isles (The Crown of Stones)The Wandering Isles by C.L. Schneider
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I was so excited to read this one. I loved the “A Crown of Stones” series. I hated when it ended. Felt like I was apart of Ian’s world. So happy I still get to indulge in it. This one was definitely interesting. As Ian and Jarryd faced the newest “evil” I also faced a fear. Was this novella going to end with us thinking that everything that had happened was merely their brains trying to cope with being captured? I finished this book in a few hours because I simply needed answers lol. The way the characters and I questioned reality was parallel. Every moment was a wait no this can’t be. There’s no way this is what’s happening. Needless to say I was not disappointed. I could feel all of the characters emotions. I cried when they cried. I was angry when they were angry and I had a sense of understanding by the time the book was over. It was very well written. And although it’s a work of fiction, some life lessons can be learned from it. Thank you for a bother great book. I’ve read every single book you’ve written thus far and I’ve loved every single one of them.

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