Ways to Improve Bailey by Cori Cooper – Review by Audrie Harrington

Ways to Improve BaileyWays to Improve Bailey by Cori Cooper
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

What a fun and quick read! The main characters are so relatable. Bailey is a university student and works at Froyo. She lives with Dayton, her older brother, because her parents moved away and they preferred to stay in their hometown of Flagstaff, Arizona. She has never left Arizona and wants to travel the world, but she is scared. Tanner is a flannel wearing, dorky math professor who comes into Froyo every single day. He always gets the same order, always leaves a big tip, and sits in the corner working on a computer. Bailey finds herself on a date with Tanner when he catches her phone, then she tries to get out of it. Her brother is challenging her to make improvements in her life and has made a list of ways to improve her, including to stop lying, so she goes on the date. It seems like Tanner is hiding something so she keeps hanging out with him trying to learn more about his family that he doesn’t like to talk about. Dayton and Bailey’s best friend, Marnie, are crushing on each other. Keith is the owner of Froyo and like an uncle to Bailey. In one chapter there were multiple pages talking about running out of El Pato sauce and I laughed out loud because we feel the same in our house when we think we are out! There are so many story lines happening in this book but they are so easy to follow and so much fun. I hope that there is more to come in this story or at least from the author!

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