Brutal Nights (Hidden Valley Elite Book 4) by Isla Vaughn – Review by Tausha Treadway

Brutal Nights (Hidden Valley Elite #4)Brutal Nights by Isla Vaughn
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Brutal Nights (Hidden Valley Elite Book 4) by Isla Vaughn. This is a amazing close to Damon & Skylar’s story. I really believe you need to read their first book to better understand what’s going on. When they finally take their relationship to the next level they are caught by Skylar’s mom and Gia. Naturally there is a major fallout over it. Gia is so mean to Skylar after this, calling her names, hanging with her other friends and just ignoring Skylar. They even wear #teamGia t-shirts. Its miserable for Skylar. Damon takes up for Skylar as much as he can and turns into a really sweet guy. On top of all her friend/school drama Skylar knows her mom is up to something but she can’t figure out what. Damon grows so much in this book and he finally catches up to Skylar maturity wise. Such a wonderful ending to the series and being a young adult series I never dreamed I would be so invested but I sure was. I didn’t want it to end.

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