Descendants of Time and Death (The Gods’ Scion Book 2) by Winnifred Tataw – Review by Julie Johnson

Descendants of Time and Death (The Gods' Scion, #2)Descendants of Time and Death by Winnifred Tataw
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I highly recommend reading this series in order. If you are unable to for some reason, at least read the first three short stories in book 1 before proceeding to read this one or future books. Having a background in the different types of beings and how they present will be vital to your understanding of this story. The background from book 1 will also help tremendously.

Rodderick is teaming up with his brother Rayden to try to prevent massive destruction all for nothing. Rayden has a history of drug abuse and doesn’t have the best relationship with his siblings but sees the need to try to mend fences for the sake of the country and his family. There are so many secrets that are being kept within and from the family and these secrets are causing decisions to be made that probably shouldn’t be.

This book has a bit more adventure than the first one and will keep you turning the page to find out more! Also, check out the cover art on this one. It’s brilliantly gorgeous and really drew me into reading this series!

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