Forbidden Blood (The Shadow Chronicles Book 4) by CR Robertson – Review by Lisa Helmick

Forbidden Blood (The Shadow Chronicles Book 4)Forbidden Blood by C.R. Robertson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I was sooo happy to see this book come out! I love the world this author has created and missed these wonderful characters. It is full of danger, suspense and paranormals. The first half was a little slow for me. I liked the insight into the male lead but got bored. The second half is all fire and brimstone and action filled and I could not read it fast enough!

I got to see some new characters and hang out with old friends. Dominic is stll a treat to watch and when he hangs with the gang he becomes feisty, crazy and curious. His dialogue made me laugh so many times but he also shows his serious old soul a time or two. I really saw Kimber grow in here. She went from a whiney loner to a strong woman. I could really *feel* it near the end just rolling off the letters.

Overall a great addition to the series! I loved so much about this one. One of my favorite scenes involved his house. Its alive! It shifts, rejects or welcomes people. I liked it a lot. I can’t wait for more as I am hoping more elemental sorceress will be found (hopefully for Dominic haha).

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