Ladies of the Links (Ladies of the Links Book 2) by Haley Rhoades – Review by Tausha Treadway

Ladies of the Links #2Ladies of the Links #2 by Haley Rhoades
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Ladies of the Links (Ladies of the Links Book 2) by Haley Rhoades. This is such a fun, emotional second chance romance. Its the story of Christy and Ryan who were high school sweethearts. Ryan loves Christy but he loves football more and with that choice Christy leaves and doesn’t look back. When she does return to town with twin girls in tow she begins working as the Pool manager at the Club in her neighborhood. When Ryan shows up to join she is caught so off guard. Not seeing him for 5 years and living her life as a mom she has been happy and now he shows back up when she is starting to get over him. Seeing him brings all kinds of feelings up. Ryan has always loved Christy and would love nothing more than to get back with her. Will secrets they have kept from each other ruin their chances of getting back together? Read this second chance romance to find out!

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