Sacrifice Bunt (Ground Rule Book 2) by Bree Kraemer – Review by Kerry Carr

Sacrifice Bunt (Ground Rule Book 2)Sacrifice Bunt by Bree Kraemer
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is the second book in the Ground Rule Series. I really enjoyed this story. These books can be read as a standalone but I will be reading others in the series as I really enjoyed it. The author does an amazing job with the characters. They are relatable and easy to connect with. A part of me felt sorry for Noah. I feel the misunderstanding with Zara has lead to her thinking of him as something he’s not and that hinders any chance they have of a relationship.

Zara is a very independent, determined woman. As a sports agent she is used to being strong and doing things her way. She doesn’t like being made to feel vulnerable and that is exactly what she feels when she is around Noah.
A chance meeting, a fire alarm which caused them to flee and then Noah disappearing has left her feeling vulnerable but the main thing that is making her vulnerable is if she admits to herself and to Noah that her feelings for him aren’t hate after all.
Noah has had trauma in his past. After losing his dad in a fire, the night he rescued Zara caused him to flee. Since that night he has not been able to get her out of his mind. But how can he make her see that the image she has in her mind of him isn’t the person he is?
Can they learn to trust each other enough to be completely vulnerable with each other? Or will having to be vulnerable be too much for them to even think about and stopping any chance of romance before it begins?
The attraction and chemistry between them jumps off the page but until they learn how to be vulnerable will they ever stand a chance?

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