Sage Advice by Cori Cooper – Review by Tara Johnson Barnes

Sage AdviceSage Advice by Cori Cooper
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Sage Advice is a YA Romance that centers around the character of a teenage girl named Pyper. Pyper is a bubbly, fun-loving, kind, and compassionate teenager who wants to help others and she fiercely protects those she loves. As the girl who writes the advice column for her high school newspaper, Pyper generally has all the answers. She is good at helping others solve their problems but when it comes to her own life, she seems unable to find the answers to her own problems. Pyper is worried about her upcoming prom and when she gets asked by Landen to go with him, she is reluctant. Pyper has been hurt before and now sees all teenage boys as immature. Landen wants to prove that he is sincere and not like the other boys, but Pyper is reluctant to let her guard down. Will Landen be able to break through the barriers Pyper has put up? This was a beautifully written, and realistic, look at first love and romance. The characters were relatable, lovable, and I found myself rooting for Pyper to give Landen a chance to show her he was not going to break her heart. A great read!

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