As Though You Were Mine by J. Marie Rundquist – Review by Candice Estes

As Though You Were MineAs Though You Were Mine by J. Marie Rundquist
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Julie is happy with her life. She is single, has no kids, and no real wish to change anything. However, life has other plans for Julie, when she unexpectedly becomes the guardian of her twin niece and nephew after her brother and sister-in-law die unexpectedly. What Julie could never have predicted is how much this would change her life. She goes from single with minimal responsibilities to having to take care of two four year olds who are grieving and struggling to understand the changes to their lives. Mikey has stopped talking, something she is told is new, while Lucy has started throwing temper tantrums whenever things aren’t quite the way that she expects them to be or when she just can’t handle her emotions. While learning to navigate grief, family, and suddenly becoming a parent, one more curve ball comes into Julies life in the form of the children’s uncle, Grant.

This story is, at times, heart breaking and yet heartwarming. I would highly recommend this book for anyone who loves a happily ever after, even if it there are a few wrong turns in the middle.

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