As Though You Were Mine by J. Marie Rundquist – Review by Lorralei Hoerner

As Though You Were MineAs Though You Were Mine by J. Marie Rundquist
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

4 1/2 Stars

Wow, what a story….captured me right from the beginning. Gutted feelings, sadness at parts, drama, anger, love, healing and the sense of family and nurturing. I highly recommend this book…it takes you on a roller coaster of emotional highs and lows.

Julie Mercer is trying to pick up the pieces after her brother and sister in law pass away due to an accident and is now the guardian of four year old twins, Mikey and Lucy. Julie never really wanted to be a mother, but life threw her a wrench and now she is figuring everything out between balancing her job and the twins, questioning herself can she do this. Lucy throwing tantrums if things are not done “right” in her eyes and Mikey not talking at all…the trauma that these children endured has been difficult. When Grant, who is Julie’s sister in laws brother, makes an unexpected visit, Julie is not sure if there is more why he suddenly shows up.

As Julie and Grant navigate the death of her brother and his sister, they find that being there for Mikey and Lucy and for each other can be something special.

This is a great story and I highly recommend this read.

View all my reviews

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