Back to the 80s by S.E. Reichert and Kerrie Flanagan – Review by Kerry Carr

Back to the 80'sBack to the 80’s by S.E. Reichert
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I really enjoyed this enemies to lovers rom-com. The author did an amazing job with this book with added elements that makes it stand apart from other enemies to lovers stories. The characters were well written and relatable and you feel totally invested in their story. The connection between Blaine and Eric was interesting to watch grow and develop. But for me the main thing i adored was the flash back to the 80s. There was so much nostalgia that it made me want to get my leg warmers out and neon bangles out. This story made me smile, and laugh out loud in parts. I love the fight and determination Blaine has to save her store and her mother’s legacy.

Blaine has a very unique store in a shopping mall. Her story in my dream place as it sells everything you can imagine from the 80s. From toys and games to fashion and music Blaines store has it all. It was passed down to her after her mother passed away and she is determined to make it successful. It goes well until the shopping mall is sold to a construction company who wants to redevelop the area and that means moving Blaines shop.
When Blaine makes a bet with Eric (the son of the development company) does she stand any chance of saving her store? And if she wins what will that mean for Eric? Can he really pick her over the demands of his family? Could Blaine actually be the one to show him there is more to life than work? What happens as they spend time together and their connection grows.
This was such a sweet funny nostalgic story that I loved every second of it.

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