Back to the 80s by S.E. Reichert and Kerrie Flanagan – Review by Lorralei Hoerner

Back to the 80'sBack to the 80’s by S.E. Reichert
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5 Stars 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

I LOVED every page of this book. I grew up in the 80’s and can I say I love how the authors brought me back to simpler times of neon colors, aquanet, Journey and brat pack movies. This is a very enjoyable a bit of enemies to lovers rom-com with some drama, laugh out loud moments and so much nostalgia. I very highly recommend this book, espeically to anyone who loved growing up in the 80s.

Blaine Reynolds wants to keep her mother’s legacy and honor her by having her shop “Back to the 80s” remain open, even when the threat of tearing down the mall where the shop is located at to build a new brewery and behind it all is Morales Construction. Blaine fights hard to keep her shop afloat, but with the likes of Eric Morales, hoping that a bet of 30 days, he may change his mind. What Blaine did not expect was the more she got to know Eric personally, her walls came down and saw so much more to him than just his need to tear down the mall for a new business.

Eric Morales wants to make his father proud and make partner at his family Morales Construction Company by closing a deal to tear down a local mall to make a new business venture. What Eric does not expect is to lose to a bet with Blaine to try and fight and keep her nostalgic shop. Eric is all work and no play, but once he gets to know Blaine on a deeper level…..feelings come into play, his attraction to Blaine becomes undeniable.

Will Eric and Blaine be able to see eye to eye on a decision that may impact them both on different levels?

I loved this story so much and this was such a fun book book to read. I felt like I was back in time growing up and reminiscing the good times that the 80s brought.

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