Broken. (Green St. Girls Series) by N.D. Jackson – Review by M Policicchio

Broken. (Green St. Girls #2)Broken. by N.D. Jackson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Brilliant. That is what this book and this series are. Effing Brilliant. The stories behind these badass women are way too real. These stories are not just about them surviving, they are about these amazing women thriving.

In Broken, the author focuses on Indigo. Indigo is a sexual abuse survivor. (Warning: Discussion and memories of child sex abuse may be a trigger for some.) She got out a few weeks before her 16th birthday and never looked back. Now she is weeks before a megadeal that would solidify her company in the big leagues of the tech world and she is receiving threats. They start small but slowly escalate as the deal is closer to contract signatures.

Gideon, Athena’s brother that tracked her down, has been living in Indigo’s guest house for a while now. They have become BFFs. Gideon is slowly realizing that it is more than just friendship that he feels for Indigo, especially as he gets to know her more. When Indigo asks Gideon to be her personal security for a trip to California, Gideon says yes. Indigo slowly opens up about the threats. Gideon must decide who to trust and if he can truly protect Indigo.

Gideon is sooooooo sweet, kind, understanding, protective, and everything. I think I found my new book boyfriend. Gideon and Indigo were meant to be. Together, they are beautiful and hawt. Yep. Considering everything, the steam level was causing the thermometer to sweat!!! I can’t wait for Gwyn’s story!! Wait…that means the series would be over. I hope not! Anyway, add this to your TBR if you haven’t already!

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