Fortune’s Favorite (Soulbound Journeys Book 2) by C. L. Schneider – Review by Jules Herbert

Fortune's Favorite (Soulbound Journeys #2)Fortune’s Favorite by C.L. Schneider
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This author is one of just a few where all I have to do is see the name on the book and I know I have to read it. This book absolutely delivered with every page turned! I was hooked from the start and held captive by fabulous writing that made you truly see everything the author was writing about. I highly recommend reading in order to enhance your experience. I don’t want to give too much away concerning the storyline, you really need to discover it for yourself, but I will say Ian and Jarryd are back and if you love a bit of adventure and magic with some danger thrown in then this is the book, no series for you! I promise you will be as hooked as I am. I can’t wait for more!

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